Opinion Scientists of Education

Unusual are the arguments of some opinionologists, of the reasons for the crisis of education, blaming the College of Teachers.
First of all, the level of ignorance of these opinionologists of the educational reality and educational processes is astonishing. There is a profound ignorance of the conditions and the psychosocial context in which the learning processes occur, they do not know, for example, that in many schools there are protocols for when there are narco funerals, that teachers have to assume permanent roles of psychologists, sociologists, social workers and even in some cases of police, to prevent fights or aggressions between parents and between students, That is why being a teacher, today, is a high-risk profession.
In the pedagogical, their great concern focuses on the recovery of the learning lost during the pandemic, reaching the greatest coverage of them during the school year and achieving good results in standardized tests, an issue that is also a concern and occupation of teachers in Chile, but not in any way, understanding that our students are not a number for statistics, they are people.
To advance in this direction, we have proposed alternative methodologies to that of the Mineduc for content prioritization. From the College of Teachers, we have proposed the nuclearization of content, in order to comprehensively address these learnings, but along with this we explained that, before recovering the contents, we had to take care of emotionally recovering our students, we raised the need for a gradual return after two years of pandemic, with a clear emphasis on the relational and emotional of the students, that you could not enter “a horse killer” to develop the mesh of contents, we said that this process should be slow and smooth … But, again, we were not listened to and we all know the consequences of this abrupt and violent return.
On the other hand, awarding to a union that seeks the strengthening of Public Education, better working conditions for teachers, ending educational segregation and seeking more and better education for children and young people in the country, seems to me an excess and sounds more like the search for a culprit of the educational crisis product of an individualistic economic and social model, competitive, empty, that throws our children and young people into a deaf, systemic violence that no one can stop anymore.
They are going to blame the College of Teachers for this psychosocial reality, for a sick society that they have built and whose only possibility of getting out of this misfortune will be thanks to Education and its teachers, as happened during the pandemic; the teachers were the ones who launched remote education, the State was the great absentee in this task, it was with our own resources, with our cell phones and computers, with our economic resources, with our rest times and involving our families, that we were able to respond to this emergency, it was thanks to this ethical disposition that could be done.
With the same ethical disposition with which we responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will respond to the Violence in Schools pandemic.

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Original source in Spanish

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