El Mostrador in La Clave: single list in the ruling party in the election of constitutional councilors; distrust of institutions; and current politics

PDP Secretary General Jose Toro spoke about the possibility of the ruling party joining the election of constitutional councilors. This seems practically impossible, this after the definitions in parties like the PPD. In the general council of that store, 94% supported competing in a list apart from Apruebo Dignidad, which distances the possibility of agreements. In fact, its president, Natalia Piergentili, commented that “we dedramatize the fact that there are two options.”

The sociologist and executive director of the Center for Studies of Conflict and Social Cohesion (COES), Ignacio Cáceres, who spoke about the report “Social Longitudinal Study of Chile”, which shows a significant deterioration in indicators of trust between people and towards different institutions. For example, when asked if “most people can be trusted,” 83% answered “no.” In “Trust in political parties”, 91% have “little and nothing” for them. For the government, confidence is “nothing” for 46%, while for Congress, “nothing” reaches 57%. On the other hand, those who have “a lot” of confidence in parliament reach only 0.3%.

The director of Latinobarómetro and founder of Mori Chile, Marta Lagos, in the company of the political analyst of Dorfmangattas Consultores. Patricio Gajardo, analyzed the election of constitutional councilors that everything indicates that the ruling party will be divided into 2 lists. Michelle Bachelet for uniting the sector are diluted. It is thus pending to know if the former president will compete on May 7. Meanwhile, the government will revive the security agreements, although Chile Vamos insists on its refusal to join the body. And Franco Parisi returned to the country for a few days, after reaching an agreement to pay alimony.

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