Andrea Villanueva asks to increase legislative productivity to the 75th Legislature

Morelia; Michoacán.- After lamenting the lack of productivity on the part of the Conference for the Programming of the Legislative Works of the 75th Legislature, the local deputy Andrea Villanueva Cano, urged the legislators to expedite the opinion of the work of all the commissions that make up this legislature.
And it is that according to the deputy, there is a “bottleneck” in the programming of legislative work, since there are many opinions issued by the legislative commissions, which have waited even more than a year to be presented before the Plenary of Congress for discussion and corresponding vote.
However, session after session, an endless number of initiatives are listed and not the opinions of the commissions, which has generated a significant delay in legislative work, said the local deputy.
“That is, many initiatives have been presented and we must celebrate it. I would never mean to suggest that the right to propose as a power established in the Law to go up one, two, three, four or more times to the rostrum be restricted, but what about that legislative productivity? “.
Villanueva Cano insisted that the work is being done in the commissions, but the problem is in the programming of the issues that are voted on in the legislative plenary, where new reforms and new laws should be approved whose impact will be of great benefit to Michoacanos.
In conclusion, Deputy Andrea Villanueva urged the Conference for the Programming of Legislative Work, so that based on the matters duly registered by the legislative commissions, priority is given to all those that are relevant and necessary for the integral well-being of Michoacán.
It should be noted that after the discussion of this point, the deputies voted against the urgent and obvious resolution of said proposal, so it was turned over to the Committee on Internal Regime and Parliamentary Practices for study.

Original source in Spanish

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