Jorge Macri: “I’m not going to define today who I’m voting for in November”

After the breakdown of positions in Juntos por el Cambio in the runoff, the elected head of government of the city of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri, assured that the space “is not finished” and does not want to “add more gasoline to the fire.” Stripped of my position as head of the Buenos Aires government, I don’t have to say who I’m voting for. But today I’m not going to define who I’m voting for in November because I have an institutional role,” said the elected candidate of Together for Change in the City. It’s clear that I’m on the opposite side of Kirchernism,” he said later. When asked about Bullrich’s position, Macri assured that he is not going to “add more gasoline to the fire. I’m going to watch over the unity of Together for Change.” You may also be interested in: “The UCR will not accompany Massa or Milei in the runoff””We give freedom to our leaders to take the positions they want, Patricia said that today too,” he said after the position of neutrality adopted by the Radical Civic Union and the position of Patricia Bullrich in favor of Javier Milei. “I have to prepare myself to govern the City of Buenos Aires and negotiate with those who are not mine,” in relation to the presidency of Massa or Milei who will face each other on November 19 in the runoff. He added, “I’m going to ask the candidates for president where they stand on the children on the picket lines.” “I am someone from the PRO in Juntos por el Cambio but I also have a role as head of the Buenos Aires government,” he said. In relation to the libertarian candidate, Macri said: “I was always on the opposite side of Kircherism but I don’t agree with Milei’s ideas either.”

Original source in Spanish

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