Barrios de pie began their vigil in front of the Olivos Residence on the eve of the CGT strike

The group Somos Barrios de Pie began its vigil in front of the Olivos Residence on the eve of the national strike tomorrow, January 24, called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), against the draft Omnibus Law, called “Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines” and the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU 70/2023), dictated by the Executive Branch.You may also be interested in: Popular soup kitchens: “Inequality is marked when I see that food is a business”They also carried out an action of empty pots, the fifth round they carry out, where the impact of the adjustment and the economic measures of the Government is made visible, in front of food, a right guaranteed by the grouping through popular soup kitchens. “Faced with the announcement by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, about the anti-picketing protocol, we thought of the round of empty pots as a tool of resistance to make our demands visible,” said Norma Morales, in dialogue with Télam. Barrios de pie gathered from 11 a.m. on Tuesday. Without blocking the street and on the sidewalks, they carried signs that read slogans such as: “There are more and more increases and less food”, “actors and soup kitchens are the same struggle”, “do not take away joy or food”. “We are still waiting for the Minister (of Human Capital) Sandra Pettovello or President Javier Milei to receive us since the situation of the canteens is alarming, and very similar to the time of the coronavirus pandemic,” Morales had said hours earlier in a statement. You may also be interested in: January 24 strike: what will happen to banks and gas stations”Many of our colleagues give their lives to the care of our community and do not recognize our work, nor give us an explanation. We ask to set up a working group in which we can explain the seriousness of the situation and that measures be taken to begin to alleviate the deficiencies in food that are already being registered,” he said. For his part, the national coordinator of Somos Barrios de Pie, Daniel Menéndez, added that the “urgent” response of the authorities is necessary. “On the eve of the general strike on the 24th, we will make an encampment in front of the farm to demand that the President take charge of what is happening, attend to us and offer solutions to this alarming situation,” he said.

Original source in Spanish

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