Contest “Mr. Mexico Interreclusories 2021” in CDMX

A total of 78 people deprived of liberty from six prisons in Mexico City competed in the discipline of bodybuilding during the tournament “Mr. Mexico Interreclusories 2021”, in three categories Advanced Body Building, Body Building Veterans and Mens Physique.After making a catwalk and according to the considerations of the judges, the winners were, José Luis del Reclusorio Preventiva Varonil Oriente, who was proclaimed champion for the third time in the main category of Advanced.While in the Veterans category, the winner of the first place was Noé of the Penitentiary of Santa Martha; Finally, Alejandro del Reclusorio Preventiva Varonil Sur, took the victory in the third category of the competition. During the tournament, honorable mention was also given to the person deprived of liberty Ángel Jetzabeth of the Penitentiary of Santa Martha, for his participation in the Wellnes category of the LGBTTTI population, as part of the policy of inclusion and non-violation of the dignity of people, said the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC). The qualifying jury was made up of former professional athletes and bodybuilding specialists who made a tour of the participating Penitentiary Centers, which lasted three days. The elements that were taken into account for the knockout stage of the contestants were the mandatory and free poses that mark the guidelines of the competition; and, all participants, were awarded medals and recognitions. Concurao de tradición The contest is a tradition for the Penitentiary System of Mexico City that began as the “Mr. Oriente Tournament” in 1999, and from 2009 the first interreclusories was held in the different penitentiary centers. Read more: For the second time, elements of the PBI block Central Axis: they demand budgetThe tournament aims to promote the development of sport among people deprived of liberty, which benefits in their process of social reintegration, as marked by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States in its Article 18. Simon Levy investigated for reporting threats and property damage

Original source in Spanish

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