translated from Spanish: Children will never be first

Only a few days ago, the constitutional protection bill was voted in the chamber of deputies room, in which a qualified quorum was needed, if it was not obtained, the bill was rejected precisely p or the same blocks that vociferous all of Chile’s slogan of children first, although this does not significantly affect children and adolescents, since there is a binding convention that recognizes it and was ratified by our country almost 30 years ago , which is the Convention on the ‘Rights of The Children, clearly shows us the utopia of the current government on the fundamental interest of protecting children, moreover, is tacit proof that children, have never been or will be first in line, both for the executive branch , legislative and judicial.
Chile is obliged to adapt its legislation, and offer constitutional guarantees that protect children, but our disputed parties decide to vote for political partisanship rather than social conscience, which is the one that should take precedence in honor of the office they hold. Nothing expressed to reject reform has a hold, because the principle of progressive autonomy and the right of education and preferential guidance of parents are enshrined in the same legal body, so it is false that it seeks to remove parental authority, rather , obliges the State to support parents in their exercise. 
The discussion has been fictitious and political in order not to give autonomy a greater legal status (constitutional reform) than the preferential right of parents
Not approving it has more political than legal effect, as the State is already committed to legislating on both principles.
On the other hand, a special commission was set up to investigate the disappearance of children and adolescents in the sename system since 2010. A surprising number of children and adolescents missing, being under the tutelage of the state of Chile, is the one that is going silent in front of an entire country, I mean six thousand children and fraction that no one, Neither the Chilean state, nor the national service of minors s where they are, then I wonder who takes responsibility?
It is not consistent that police officers have a search protocol and that they do not assign the same priorities to a child growing up in a constituted family as one who disappears from being under the care of the national child service. 
So overwhelming this sounds, it’s easy to realize that our cops are able to find a stolen vehicle first than a boy, girl or teenager. 
Who’s really looking for them? With what priority? 
There are 3,411 children (Carabineros source in Commission) not in the region since 2010 to 2019. Of these, 378 children are under 5 years old.
The rate of effectiveness in the search is 94% for the child who grows in the family and disappears, but if the child disappears under Sename’s tutelage, the effectiveness rate is only 55% why?
 45% of children fleeing the Protection System, are not found or continue to be sought, and this is what should worry us, but it seems that the current government cares more about appearing and improvising in matters of children, than acting concretely.
The vote on the draft protection mentioned above is a clear vision of what I express here.
Just remember that they are the same ones who claim to protect the child and adolescent, who subsequently sit down to discuss a law that restricts their rights and criminalizes them without contemplation, requiring them to carry out identity checks out of mere suspicion.
Even the same citizenship is more indifferent and apathetic to the situation affecting hundreds of children and adolescents.
In the meantime, we as a civil society will have to continue to entrench ourselves and look for ways to articulate ourselves, to be heard, despite the zero social reaction.
We suffered for Sophie, for Amber, we filled the streets demanding justice, and, fashion is over, Chile was quiet again end, thus endting the pain they suffer under the guardianship of the state hundreds of them. 
 Only because the Government on duty said it was improving the sename system, creating model residences showing how to media triumph Coyhaique, in whose place, 12 of the 15 resident children, were removed from schooling, by the very sename organism.  
It should be noted that these residences do not have a mental health program to perform adequate repair interventions.
Despite this, I am sure that in the remainder of government, we will continue to hear: “That children come first.”
We’ll see the same honorable ones smiling looking for votes, using child breach as a battle flag.  
In the meantime, it will be those same children used in election campaigns, who carry the bad practices of third parties of which they are perpetual victims, ignoring in their innocence: that they will never be first in line.

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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